Robin van Lieshout
Crafta® Orofascial Physical Therapist
Robin is a general physiotherapist, Orofascial physiotherapist (Crafta®) and practice owner of Zorgpraktijk Flore.
He is also a FLoor® instructor.
CRAFTA® is an abbreviation for Cranio Facial Therapy Academy. This is a specialized training for treating complaints in the jaw, head, neck and neck region. It is an internationally recognized treatment method that involves much collaboration with other specialists such as the dentist, ENT doctor, orthodontist, general practitioner, speech therapist, neurologist and oral surgeon.
Jaw physiotherapy consists, on the one hand, of manual techniques in the previously mentioned regions and, on the other hand, of a guidance program. The content of this program can focus on movement during daily life, lifestyle changes and/or pain management.
Complaints in the jaw, head, neck and neck region can be quite diverse. Summarized below are the most common complaints.
For more information about jaw physiotherapy, you can also visit the CRAFTA® site.
Depending on your symptoms, make an appointment with the relevant specialist. When in doubt, consult with Deborah, the assistant in our practice.
For general physical therapy, please see any physical therapist on our team.
Robin is a general physiotherapist, Orofascial physiotherapist (Crafta®) and practice owner of Zorgpraktijk Flore.
He is also a FLoor® instructor.
You can reach us by phone Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. till noon.
Please leave your name and phone number here if you wish to contact us outside of these hours and we will call you back. You will always be called back in the morning.
Please register to click on the button and fill in your credentials. We then can start with our care immediately when you have your first appointment.
Elzenweg 33D
5144 MB Waalwijk
0416 34 73 53