The basis of any treatment is that of a general physical therapist. Every (specialized) physical therapist first completes this training. A general physical therapist can examine and treat a wide range of complaints.
What does an appointment look like?
When you come for the first time you will have an extensive interview with your therapist. In this so-called anamnesis, you will explain your complaint as best you can and the therapist will ask additional questions to get a complete picture of you and your complaint.
Then you will be physically examined and the physical therapist can make a physical therapy diagnosis based on all the information obtained. Together, you then discuss the treatment plan.
A treatment can consist of many different components. This depends on your complaint and the expertise of the therapist. Below are some possible treatment methods. The therapist will always discuss with you which one is most suitable for you.
A fall, whiplash or childbirth can cause a deviated position of the tailbone. This can cause symptoms such as pain in the tailbone, difficulty getting up after sitting, pelvic pain, but also (chronic) low back pain. Often the coccyx is not looked at in long-term complaints.
NIMOC is the abbreviation for Non-Invasive Mobilization of the Coccyx. This is a fairly new treatment method in which the coccyx is externally corrected to its correct position. This treatment is usually not perceived as painful or burdensome.
In addition to correcting the position of the tailbone, the treatment also consists of treating trigger points. These are "knots" or sore spots in muscles around the pelvis.
Sometimes the tailbone itself presents few symptoms. Therefore, we also look at the position of the tailbone in people with pelvic floor problems (such as leakage of urine or stools, pain during intercourse or constipation) or pregnancy problems. In many cases, we also find an oblique position of the tailbone (photo).
Treatment with the NIMOC method in combination with trigger point therapy often gives amazing results.
A trigger point is a knot (thickening) in a small part of a muscle. It is caused by a contraction in this small part of a muscle, causing a reduced blood supply in that area and therefore a reduced supply of oxygen and nutrients and a reduced removal of carbon dioxide and waste products. In addition, the adjacent fibers are on stretch all this time, which again causes pain. (Compare it to a spring attached to both ends. When one part of that spring comes together another part will need to stretch).
Trigger points relax slowly for physiological reasons, so it is not comparable to muscle spasm. If a trigger point is pressed, it will produce a painful sensation with possible radiating pain recognizable to you.
It is scientifically proven that pressure or a needle prick (dry needling) reduces the tension in that part of the muscle. However, it cannot yet be explained.
Trigger point treatment is a very effective method for certain diverse complaints. Also for complaints that show little result elsewhere.
Trigger point therapy is possibly (part of) the treatment for
With myofascial therapy we do not only look at the muscles, but we see the muscles (Myo) and the associated connective tissues (Fascia) as one whole and are treated accordingly. Because of this, we not only look at local tension, but at tension patterns throughout the body. This can be seen as a chain of problems that together cause the complaint. This more complete view of the tissues will not only look at conscious tension (eg sports injury), but also unconscious tension (eg stress-related complaints).
These techniques are therefore very versatile! From back pain to a sprained ankle and from migraines to tension headaches. With long-term myofascial complaints, the body (or part of it) often feels tense and painful or just tired and empty. You may also have complaints that return quickly after regular treatment. This means that not all affected tissues have been treated correctly.
Medical Tape matches human skin in terms of elasticity and weight. Therefore, use is made of the elasticity of the tape in relation to the elasticity of the skin, causing the tape to have a kind of lifting effect on the epidermis. This creates an immediate pressure reduction, restoring blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. The pressure on the pain receptors decreases and the pain experienced immediately diminishes.
By using different taping techniques, various effects can be achieved. One important effect is the stimulation of the body's self-healing ability.
In contrast to the conventional method of taping, often with non-stretchable material that aims to restrict the joints, this method of taping actually achieves an "increase in mobility" by improving function.
Passive movements are movements performed by the therapist as opposed to active movements, which are done by the patient. Usually treatment is performed oscillating (in small rapid rhythmic movements), sometimes through sustained stretching.
This can be done through various mobilization techniques such as DAM mobilizations, which attempt to normalize passive control in the joint, mobilizations according to Maitland or McKenzie.
Active exercise therapy is a big part of our treatments. Almost all treatment programs aim to get you moving again as before. Exercise therapy is used to increase the mobility of joints and (re)strengthen muscles. You can do this together with the therapist in the treatment room or in our spacious gym. This is also the area where we teach our ZwangerFit®, Floor® and MamaFit® classes.
Please register to click on the button and fill in your credentials. We then can start with our care immediately when you have your first appointment.
Elzenweg 33D
5144 MB Waalwijk
0416 34 73 53